Good advice, Margi. Listening and setting aside our differences to build communities with the right skill sets is going to be critical going forward. Survivors of climate change will need to be as self-reliant as possible.

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"Survivors of climate change will need to be as self-reliant as possible."

Almost! Survivors of the poly-crisis will need to be mutually-dependent with trusted others of like mind. And I don't mean that you believe the same things, just that you understand that all you have is each other.

"Self" reliance is a thing of the past, fostered by excess energy. Before the widespread exploitation of fossil sunlight, being expelled by your tribe or clan was a death sentence. And so it may be true again, soon.

And climate change is just the tip of the iceberg. Fossil sunlight will be going into permanent, irrevocable decline in the next few years. So I'm less worried about climate change, because we'll lose the ability to put more carbon in the air soon.

But even if you don't buy that, there are so many things coming down at us that it is pointless to pick one as the main focus.

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I agree with all of your comments, Jan. It is indeed a poly-crisis. Although I focus on climate change in my writing, we've also ruined much of our soil, and the 6th Great Extinction is under way. Fossil fuels are indeed in decline. I wrote about that here.


It's a shame we invented fracking, which kept the oil window open longer.

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When it comes to climate change, the loss of our ability to pump various form of pollution into the atmosphere will probably result in a temperature spike due to the reduction in reflective aerosols.

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May 10Liked by Margi Prideaux

All very true words Margi.

I need to try and get to your Sundays x

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A wonderful and timely article. And yes, community is hard. Two people, three opinions, etc.

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So, so true ... I was actually just messaging you as you wrote this!

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"It's time to build the community you need to survive."

Been there, done that, got the boot-tracks up my spine. I've made all the mistakes.

And yet, I'm ready to try again! Who wants to join me?

Here is what I was doing for fifteen years before my wife got cancer: https://tinyurl.com/EcoReality

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I'd love to read those chapters in your book. Thank you for the offer to share.

A question to the room: what are some ideas for building this kind of community if you are new to a geographical location and your knowledge of the local needs very limited?

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Hi Maren

My humble apologies. I lost track of sending you the book. You can download the eBook version (for free) here: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/xhz1u737dl

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